Essential maintenance work will be carried out on our greens on Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th April and on Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th August.
This is coring, an important course maintenance practice that involves extracting small amounts of soil from the greens to prevent the soil from becoming compacted. The spaces are then filled with ‘topdressing’ sand, which helps the soil retain air space and facilitates downward root growth. This practice allows the grass to oxygenate and create new roots to grow stronger and more luxuriant.
Coring is carried out in order to:
– allow a correct exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the soil and the surrounding environment;
– decompact the soil avoiding the excessive formation of organic matter;
– allow the correct development of the roots of the stems;
– favor the deep penetration of water, avoiding surface stagnation;
– favor fertilization operations, thus ensuring the constant supply of nutrients;
– ensure optimal preparation for new grass seeds.
This type of maintenance is necessary to offer players a course that is always in the best playing conditions.
During this delicate phase of recovery it is even more important to observe the rules of label and therefore the repair of the pitchmark becomes fundamental to allow the green to recover as soon as possible.
Our golf course maintenance team try to keep disruption to a minimum; however, we would like to notify you of this necessary work in advance prior to booking your tee times. Only 9 holes are available to play on these days and green fee will be reduced accordingly.